Separate it into the following types so it's ready to tip in the right skip:Please remember to remove all batteries and flammable liquids from items before you take them to a recycling centre.
You may be turned away if the site gets exceptionally busy.Please be prepared for longer waiting times than normal.There is a limit of two adults per vehicle.
The recycling centres are open on Bank Holidays except for Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Chelson Meadow recycling centre is now accepting all waste again. This slows down the process and if these items are missed it can clog or damage the machinery and other equipment. You will need to provide proof of your Plymouth address, such as a council tax, gas or electricity bill, to use the recycling centre.
Predominantly used as drink cans in Australia, aluminium cans can be recycled via most kerbside and drop off recycling centres. Other materials may also be restricted due to lack of collections from sub-contractors.The centres will accept other types of waste they normally take on, including household and garden waste, scrap metal, paint cans, glass bottles, electrical items and wood. An aluminium can is 100% recyclable; there are no labels or covers to be removed. You can make an appointment at any time and choose a slot that’s convenient to you for the following 14 days. Copyright © Bolton Council. This is strictly controlled to maintain access for local residents and businesses, as well as our waste trucks. What items can't I take to a Household Recycling Centre?
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you must hand the letter of authorisation to the site attendant on arrival at the Household Recycling Centre, asbestos can only be deposited with this original letter; you must be able to handle the asbestos waste from your own vehicle into the designated skip as site attendants are not permitted to assist in moving asbestos waste Recycling centre vehicle permits What you can take to our recycling centres Our recycling centres accept all materials collected from your kerbside collections. This includes kitchen foil and foil food trays, including those from takeaways and ready meals. We are working with partner organisations to see if they would be willing to host recycling facilities in appropriate locations.
Remember you can also put your recycling out for collection or take it to your nearest household recycling centre. It makes it easier if you sort your waste before you take it to the tip. Find out more about visiting our recycling centres during the COVID-19 pandemic , including the type of waste you can dispose of, what to expect if you need to visit, and fair use of the centres.
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Separate it into the following types so it's ready to tip in the right skip: Cars queuing at Ketteringham Recycling Centre.
It will take only 2 minutes to fill in.