Question: Tag: teamcity,code-coverage I was working on team internal KPI's lately and I thought that code coverage/number of unit tests will be a great measure. Below you'll find language- and tool-specific analysis parameters for importing coverage and execution reports.Some properties support the following wildcards in paths.
The issue now is that Sonarqube is not reading the code coverage portion of it. 4. ?Please run it with diagnostics turned on - add the Attached are 2 files. TeamCity integration with SonarQube is implemented via the open-source The plugin provides a simple user interface for configuring connection between TeamCity and SonarQube servers, and allows you to trigger analysis using the SonarQube Runner as a When the analysis is completed, the results are automatically published to the SonarQube server.This page explains how to configure and use TeamCity integration with SonarQube.After the SonarQube Runner plugin is installed, the SonarQube Servers page appears in the project settings and the SonarQube Runner is added to the list of the available To enable the integration, you need to create at least one connection to a SonarQube Server. Please reach us on our forum or support. In the documentation, Are you running a code coverage tool, such as OpenCover, when executing your tests? Can you have some option on UI which provides options for user to import coverage reports from... lets say dotcover or opencover etc, if user selects dotcover it should run above/some other appropriate script in background to generate results in a format that sonarqube understands
11 thoughts on “ Coverage with TeamCity and dotCover with MSTest, NUnit or MSpec ” Lars December 22, 2010 at 17:47. From our understanding, we should be able to pass over an HTML of the dotCover coverage report via the Sonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths argument and this should import the HTML to the sonarqube website correct?
For more other parameters, see SonarSource analyzers do not run your tests or generate reports. 1,163 1 1 gold badge 10 10 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Hi @Linfar, It appears that this bug is back.
In the scan results, it is showing 0.0 Code Coverage. share | improve this question | follow | asked Nov 1 '12 at 4:02.
Did you provide "Binaries location" in the SonarQube Runner step? sonarqube website and we don't see anything in the teamcity logs or the sonarqube logs. To date, we have configured the sonarqube server, the SQL database and integrated the sonarqube runner with team city. Will it be improved in the future?You can pass any additional properties through Additional Parameters field or through Can this plugin run/support analysis for javascript (ReactJs) based project with SonarQube ?The plugin just provides UI to configure analysis and runs SonarQube Scanner on agent. The documentation for team city is here: This setting within TC should complete the code coverage correct?Been a while since I have used Team City, however, the property you are using is for the ReSharper static code analyzer, not the property for Code Coverage with DotCover.Not yet. You can also define test coverage policies to prevent bad code from being promoted to critical environments.
I just upgraded our Teamcity installation to version 6 and tried the MSpec integration.
Thank you.There is more information in the docs for the Scanner for MSBuild I’m not familiar with either TeamCity or the TeamCity plugin for SonarQube (although I see the plugin is using v4.0.2 of the scanner which is rather old and doesn’t support either the new SDK-style MSBuild project format or MSBuild v16).However, the scanner is just a command line tool, and the plugin is just a wrapper around the scanner that is intended to make it easier to provision the scanner onto your build agents and then invoke it for you. Documention is iffy and what exactly those steps are supposed to be comprised of? Integrating TeamCity dotCover Report with SonarQube Runner ?So it looks like it is providing coverage on the javascript and css files but not the C# files. In the scan results, it is showing 0.0 Code Coverage. Does it work as design? The plugin provides a simple user interface for configuring connection between TeamCity and SonarQube servers, and allows you to trigger analysis using the SonarQube Runner as a build step in TeamCity..