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It is 98% sodium chloride.

With the average daily sodium intake by Americans estimated to be 3,600 mg per day (or 9 g salt per day), comparisons are shown between the amount of elements found in various salts. Is this just marketing and I should use my eyes as a good judge, or is it possible to have white sea salt that isn’t overly processed as Whole Foods is claiming on the label?Finally! I’ve been wanting to write my own article but haven’t found the time. If either convey health benefits? Such as, my particular type of sea salt never seemed to come up. Unlike table salt, sea salt is less processed and therefore much coarser. Are you wondering if table salt or sea salt can be healthy? I promise not to do anything weird with it! Only one third of teaspoon of salt is needed per day for the body.
In Japan they consume up to 12-13mg. Iodine is required by the thyroid to synthesize hormones and to regulate the metabolism. Unlike table salt, which is mined from the ground and processed to filter out excess minerals and include anti-clumping additives, sea salt gets minimal processing. There has to be a That stuff is mined right here in the U.S., so it’s as local a sea salt as we’re likely to get.Beyond consumption, salt air is used as a respiratory therapy for asthma and other lung conditions. In contrast, Himalayan sea salt contains about 1,700 milligrams. Unlike table salt, which is mined from the ground and processed to filter out excess minerals and include anti-clumping additives, sea salt gets minimal processing.
This information altered my view of this particular salt.One is medicine to the body the other like poison.. “Generally speaking, the fewer additives and anti-caking agents you ingest, the better you’ll be,” Seti asserts. Someone reporting the truth about salt! It’s interesting to know that sea salt contains the right amount of iodine that we need along with other minerals that are valuable for our bodies, so this convinces me to switch to sea salt as well.I get lost in all the descriptions of all the different salt types to be found. I'll even send you a copy of my e-book I call it the Great Salt Debate. In terms of its composition, pink Himalayan salt Now that you have the facts about both types of salt, you are probably wondering which type is actually better for your health. It is good for taste and health. And don’t even get me started on kosher salt.I can’t believe how uninformed but opinionated this sounds… Pakistan Himalayas May not be the best Himalayan salt, but the point is that it is mined, is pristinely unpolluted, unradiated, etc, and has trace minerals in it that we need.Sea salt is mostly polluted now, and since Fukushima, irradiated, too.Last tidbit… Typical table salt contains NaCl, along with silica and glass… Which scores/scratches vessels, sending cholesterol to the rescue, which is why they, originally tied high cholesterol to heart disease, high BP, etc, which is all wrong.Google it, learn the facts before you act like you’re an expert.Silica and GLASS? I wonder why some salty food put on their labels: fortified with iodine.Thanks for your article. Very frustrating these days.sea salt is better than table salt because it gives you necessary minerals. Cheers.I’m so happy to see this article. That’s the maximum amount and would be too much for some people.I’ve spent a few hours looking for any references, studies, expert opinions, or even logical reasons to believe that real salt (sea salt, salt from old sea beds…) is better than table salt. According to Since pink Himalayan salt is hand-mined and ground, producers of this salt argue that it is even more natural than sea salt. However, Himalayan sea salt crystals are coarser, meaning you can’t fit as many into a teaspoon as you can finely ground table salt. Salt helps our body regulate blood pressure, assist in nerve function, and helps your cells perform their function to keep organs healthy.” Since sea salt and pink Himalayan salt are both excellent sources of sodium chloride, select the salt you most desire!