The secure boot does not protect against malware, it doesn’t add anykind new security. Aptly named Jailbreak RT, … The problem with the surface is that it is locked to Microsoft software. Andre Esteve This subset of Windows 8 is designed to run on ARM processors.
Regarding this I would say it is not possible to install a UNIX distro in the surface RT. Windows RTタブレットでLinuxなどを使いたいデベロッパーにとってこの機能は注目度の高いものだったが、今後は利用できなくなることになる。 give it time, it’ll be cracked, someone will get sued over “jailbreaking” it, it’ll goto court, the judge will rule in exactly the same way as he did with Apple and we’ll have Linux on the Surface, in the meantime, you’re stuck with the Windows RT piece of rubbish:- It is DRM, Microsoft way to block competition out, not to secure the computer. Hello. 開発/エンジニア システムやソフトウェアの開発に携わるエンジニアに向けた最新情報など仕事に役立つ話題などを提供していきます。 It seems no way to run Desktop Apps and other OS platforms like linux or Mac OS. 2016/07/14 09:31 habe versucht mich im netz schlau zu machen zum thema surface wie im titel beschrieben, bin jedoch nicht weitergekommen. Microsoft、Windows RT以外のOSのインストールを禁止するアップデート The hardware and software of Surface RT is locked, so you are unable to run Linux, Ubuntu or Android OS on the tablet unless cracking it.
A ARM-based Surface RT deivce is not supporting the x86 based UNIX OS. Instead only thing what it does is that it gives Microsoft a keys (read power) to control WHO can sell and WHAT to YOUR computer. hallo. Windows RT, the version of Windows being loaded onto ARM-powered tablets and netbooks such as the new Microsoft Surface, has one drawback: there are tens of thousands of apps written for x86 hardware that simply won’t run on this new ARM-powered architecture. 試してみた、Wi-Fiがない環境でZoomはどこまで使えるのか? 2016/07/13 12:59 On the same week, when cleaning up my office, I found my very old Surface tablet that runs Windows RT. give it time, it’ll be cracked, someone will get sued over “jailbreaking” it, it’ll goto court, the judge will rule in exactly the same way as he did with Apple and we’ll have Linux on the Surface, in the meantime, you’re stuck with the Windows RT piece of rubbish:-(LOL The statement that Linux doesn’t run on ARM or is not optimized for it is the most redicolous thing I have ever heard. It is a kernel.“GNU is typically used with a kernel called Linux. Windows RT only allows user to install ARM based applications from app store. Microsoft quickly dropped it though for good reason. And the Microsoft claim for Secure Boot is pure propaganda to do vendor lock-in. 美人バーテンダー・ハルカが、「人の匂い」でエンジニアの悩みを解決! The hardware and software of Surface RT is locked, so you are unable to run Linux, Ubuntu or Android OS on the tablet unless cracking it. Linux runs on your toaster.
2016/07/15 12:43 Touchpad, keyboard, speakers and everything works perfect, but … If you are interested, you can follow the On my quest for Linux on Surface, I got too tiring of rebooting the tablet, tweaking some changes on the bcd store or efi partition, rebooting, failing and redoing the whole cycle again.The other day I wanted to use Newtonsoft JSON serializer to convert objects to JSON strings, with the twist that if some property of the object was null it should be defaulted to [Clrokr] uses a debugger to insert the code seen above into a DLL file in order to reset that minimum signing value to 0.Do you have a project in mind for which this is useful?
Can't change or modify the OS at all. Linux on Surface RT The other day I came across this interesting ebook by 0xAX , which got me interested into the whole x68 boot process. I have recently switched from Windows to Linux on my Surface Pro 6, but I'm having troubles with getting the touchscreen to work. 60年以上前の言語が最近話題 Surface RT に対してリモートデスクトップはできないのですが(リモートアシスタンスはできます)、Surface RT から別の PC にリモートデスクトップができます。ストアで「リモート」で検索をするとストア版の「リモート デスクトップ」が出てき 職場で「好かれる」「嫌われる」行動パターン5つ! 共通点は○○だった Microsoft is attempting to monopolize the software on Surface RT hardware, and if the public doesn’t raise a big enormous stink about it, they might succeed.Correction, Linux can run on ARM but many GNU/Linux (desktop) is optimized for x86. habe ein microsoft surface mit windows rt (32 gb). The software on Linux is open source and therefore easy to compile for ARM everything has an ARM port.I can not trust how anyone can be on these days so ignorant that doesn’t know Linux operating system has largest hardware support than any other operating system in computing history!Or doesn’t know that Ubuntu use Linux operating system, and Android use Linux operating system. ※本記事は掲載時点の情報であり、最新のものとは異なる場合があります。予めご了承ください。 Is it possible to install Ubuntu or any kind of Linux on the tablet?
They are all using Linux operating system and so on separating them as “Ubuntu, Android and Linux” is just mark of ignorance. It is pure BS if you know anything about computer security, what you don’t because you don’t even know basic things about operating systems.I will agree that secure boot is DRM, however, it does offer a minor security advantage against people who have physical access to your computer. On the same week, when cleaning up my office, I found my The prospect wasn't promising. For Surface Pro, you could try a regular UEFI based boot loader or use a virtual machine software in Windwos 8. Most hardware these days are developed with Linux, they are sertificated, tested and manufactured on Linux devices. For Surface Pro, you could try a regular UEFI based boot loader or use a virtual machine software in Windwos 8.By the way. Surface ships with UEFI's This is quite a tall order, because it would mean that I would have to find a boot loader signed by Microsoft, plus a signed kernel, and potentially drivers and so on.However, a bit more of searching, and one will easily come across Lucky enough, that was my case and I got GRUB running on my Surface. RT-Linuxを簡単に説明すれば、Linuxのタイマー割込みを横取りし、リアルタイム・モニタのシステムタイマー割込みとして使用するものです。 タイマー割込みはもともと赤の破線矢印のように使用されておりましたが、これを取りやめ、新たに導入したスケジューラに割込みを渡します。 This is set to zero on a Windows 8 machine, but defaults to 8 on an ARM device.