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© 2016-2020 All Rights Reserved The solution: Eat it in the parking lot.Chocolate is like medicine – but as with medicine, the key is the proper dose. -Forrest GumpDiet tip: Eat a chocolate bar before each meal. Thus, chocolate is a vegetable.

Chocolate has been used as a stimulant, an aphrodisiac, and [even] a form of currency. Chocolate has also been called the food of the devil, but the theological basis of this claim is obscure.Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates. I love chocolate to eat. Thus, chocolate is a vegetable. – Counselor Deanna Troi, Start Trek: The Next GenerationEMERGENCY ALERT: If wearer of this shirt is found vacant, listless, or depressed, ADMINISTER CHOCOLATE IMMEDIATELY.All I want is peace, love, understanding, and a chocolate bar bigger than my head.There’s a thin person inside of me screaming to get out, but I keep her sedated with chocolate.If they don’t have chocolate in heaven, I ain’t going.Simply put… everyone has a price, mine is chocolate!Save the Earth! Just kidding. And cause them long for you know what, If they but taste of chocolate. Alive. If you believe that, you REALLY need to meet that special someone who can change your mind. Such things are not going to affect one’s life…but 1932 the Mars Bar and 1936 Maltesers and 1937 the Kit Kat – these dates are milestones in history and should be seared into the memory of every child in the country.

– Ben Strohecker, chocolatierChocolate doesn’t make the world go ’round, but it sure does make the trip worthwhile!Chocolate is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed, but chocolate makes it worthwhile.Chocolate is not a matter of life and death – it’s more important than that!If chocolate is the answer, the question is irrelevant.If you’ve got melted chocolate all over your hands, you’re eating it too slowly.If you can’t eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer. It’s a no-win situation. -Marja McGrawLook, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates. We forget that chocolate is derived from cocoa beans-the fruit of the cacao tree-a fruit that is a rich source of these potentially beneficial substances. That way, at least you’ll get one thing done.Nuts just take up space where chocolate ought to be.Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates.

Chocolate is a permanent thing. The man wished for a million dollars, and poof!

Such things are not going to affect one’s life…but 1932 the Mars Bar and 1936 Maltesers and 1937 the Kit Kat – these dates are milestones in history and should be seared into the memory of every child in the country. Because of my scientific enthusiasm and the sheer force of my eloquence I have persuaded a number of ladies to try this, although they were convinced it would kill them; they have always found themselves in fine shape indeed, and have not forgotten to give the Professor his rightful due. Bean = vegetable.

So, eat lots of chocolate! A new British survey has revealed that 9 out of 10 people like Chocolate. To go one step further, chocolate candy bars also contain milk, which is dairy. “Can I have chocolate filling please?”You know you’re a chocoholic if the bartender tells you you’ve had enough shots of chocolate syrup for one night.You know you’re a chocoholic if, when the leaves change in the fall, you start gathering Almond Joy candy bars for the coming winter.Did you hear about the affair between Mr. Goodbar and Peppermint Patty? Chocolate is a Vegetable Other little known Chocolate facts: Chocolate is derived from cacao beans.

Both are plants, which places them in the vegetable category. But chocolate’s chocolate. Both are plants, which places them in the vegetable category. -Hernan Cortés, 1519The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain. The closer you get to a pure chocolate liquor (the chocolate essence ground from roasted cacao beans) the purer it is, the more satisfying it is, the safer it is, and the healthier it is. -Jasmine HeilerChocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words. Bean = vegetable.

-Kim WilliamsLife without chocolate is like a beach without water.Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate. –Lori Longbotham, Luscious Chocolate DessertsChocolate knows no boundaries; speaks all languages; comes in all sizes; is woven through many cultures and disciplines … it impacts mood, health, and economics, and it is a part of our lives from early childhood through the elderly years.