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At last, the benefits of being left-handed are confirmed A new study has found that lefties’ brains could be associated with better verbal skills, among other talents. I was born ambidextrous, but when I was little we moved to a small town in the middle of nowhere, and the 1st grade teacher felt it was unnatural for my development to use both hands.

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Left-hand writing exercises are designed to help improve your penmanship as well as the speed with which you write. Given that handedness is apparent early in life and the vast majority of people are right-handed, we are almost certainly dextral by nature. One of the main reasons handwriting benefits your brain in so many ways is the fact that you're using more of it. Research in Sweden found ambidextrous children to be at a greater risk for developmental conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Lord knows how this affected my brain.Fortnite May Have Just Laid the Perfect Antitrust Trap for Apple—and They Fell For It [Another Update: Google Just Kicked Fortnite...NBA Photographer Fired for Posting Offensive Kamala Harris Meme on FacebookHow is Char Kol, a new Philly Korean BBQ pop-up, offensive? These aren’t usually desirable (except in some rare athletic cases), often resulting in postural problems and various other ailments that can be avoided with some balancing out. Many famous authors opt for the meticulousness of writing by hand over the utility of … Aside from my grandparents' aversion to left-handedness, though, some thinkers argued that ambidextrousness could benefit society as a whole, and result in "two-brainedness".This hype died down in the mid-20th century as benefits of being ambidextrous failed to materialize. It’s easy to accidentally click with your index finger, even though that is now a right click.

She kept me from going to recess for 3 days until I chose a hand. Finally, I chose my left hand, because who knows why (I probably just wanted to go outside and play already). She put two pieces of paper in front of me, with one saying 'Right' and one saying 'Left'. But by then it was too late, and a lefty was born. If you’re a while away from teeth brushing time, try switching your computer mouse to the wrong side and using it, or if you’re reading on your phone, scroll around with the digits of the opposite hand. Accuracy goes out the window. This is a simple trick to make life a little more interesting, and challenge your body and brain in a new way.The next time you brush your teeth (I do harp on a bit about how much you can do while brushing your teeth, don’t I? I always knew I was special Do you always sleep on the same shoulder? This is strongly correlated with improved levels of creativity, intuition and ability to feel. Just like if you were to do the same gym workout over and over again without ever increasing the difficulty, you’re going to stop seeing results and even backslide a little as you get better at doing the same things, allowing your body and brain to get lazy about it.By using our non-dominant hands (and feet), we can force ourselves to look at things in a new way, and be more conscious of the action. Teaching, or even forcing, people to become ambidextrous is a practice that has been around for centuries. For the right-handers out there this means using your left hand, and for the south paws you need to use your right.

They are also designed for individuals who are looking to develop their other hand in order to become ambidextrous. After years of compounding though, I imagine we might all show the effects.Using our non-dominant appendages more also appears to have some carryover to how open-minded a person is. Since I was, oh, 6 freaking years old, I of course had a difficult time with this decision.