offset - 15"x6" rims - unknown lugnuts (1/2"?) offset - 16"x7" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 72.56mm centerbore - High offset - 18"x8" F and 18"x9" R rims - 12.1.5b lugnuts - unknown centerbore - unknown
offset - 14"x6" rims - unknown lugnuts (1/2"?) - unknown centerbore - Low or Medium offset - 15"x6" rims - unknown lugnuts (1/2"?) - unknown centerbore - Low or Medium
Simply find your vehicle, and easily see which other cars have wheels/rims that - unknown centerbore - Low - unknown centerbore - Medium offset - 15"x6" or 15"x7" rims - 14x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - Low - unknown centerbore - Low offset - 15"x6" or 15"x7" rims - unknown lugnuts (1/2"?) - unknown centerbore - Low offset - 15"x6" or 15"x7" rims - 14x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - Low offset - 15"x7" rims - unknown lugnuts (7/16"?) offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.25 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - Low or Medium Medium offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - High offset - 15"x7" rims - unknown lugnuts (1/2"?) offset - unknown rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - Medium offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - High offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - High offset - 16"x7" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 67.1mm centerbore - High offset - 16"x7" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 67.1mm centerbore - unknown offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 67.1mm centerbore - Medium or High centerbore - Low offset - 16"x7" rims - 12x1.75 - unknown centerbore - Medium While the first generation was of a rear-wheel drive design, later versions were all front-wheel-drive.
lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - Medium offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - Medium offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 72.56mm centerbore - Medium offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5b lugnuts - 72.56mm centerbore - Medium offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - High offset - 14"x5.5" rims - 10x1.25 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x4.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 57.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - High offset - 13"x4.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x4.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - unknown rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - unknown centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 60.1mm centerbore - High offset - unknown rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 15"x6" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 54.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x4.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x5.5" rims - 12x1.5 lugnuts - 56.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.25 lugnuts - 59.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.25 lugnuts - 59.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5.5" rims - 12x1.25 lugnuts - 59.1mm centerbore - High offset - 14"x6" rims - 12x1.25 lugnuts - 59.1mm centerbore - High offset - 13"x5" or 14"x5.5" rims - 12x1.25 lugnuts - 59.1mm centerbore - High