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Sully does care for Nate, and goes against his instincts to save him in the end.”Looking at this shortlist, I can't really imagine any of these actors as Sully except maybe Matthew McConaughey. Now that … Sully and Elena go with Nate as far as they can in order to get Sam, but are soon impeded by a high wall. And if that seems a little young to you, it's because it is, but remember this a young version of Nathan Drake as well. They start making their way to Sully and Nate then meet up with Elena, where they search the old part of the city and through a tower where they head underground. Sully fragt wie er nun die Suche nach Francis Drake's Sarg finanzieren will, als sie im Fernsehen eine TV-Show mit einer Reporterin namens Elena Fishersehen.

He says he is working on a business deal of sorts. He is very protective of those he is fond of, constantly risking his life for his friends. With Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Sophia Ali. Angered, Nate then runs after the two, trying to kill them. And then, Nate came "barreling into [his] life". Using the coin they picked up from Scotland, they manage to narrow down the location of Avery's treasure to two towers. When asked how he survived the gunshot, he revealed that Francis Drake's journal—which Nate gave him earlier—blocked the bullet. Drake surrenders the astrolabe to Marlowe, but insists that he doesn't know anything about a ring. After Elena rescues Nate and Sam, she radioes Sully and fires a flare gun. They are shot at by several guards but make it out alive, yet Cutter breaks his leg from a far jump on a burning tower. Key in hand, Nate makes his way back to the museum to try to steal the ring before Sullivan. This casting is all the more noteworthy since, several years back, Wahlberg was actually set to play Drake himself, with his frequent collaborator David O. Russell directing. By the time Nate reestablished contact, he was under attack and needed Nate's help.

The game also explores the relationship between Drake and Sullivan, showing their first meeting when a 15-year-old Drake tried to steal a cipher device belonging to Sir Francis Drake… As Nate climbs closer to them, Talbot is about to kill a weakened Sully with a rock, but before he can, he is shot several times by Nate. The four encounter less aggressive spiders, uncover the last tomb, and attempt to make it out but are stopped by Talbot and Marlowe. Despite this he was, in his earlier years, more than willing to betray his acquaintances if the consequences were not severe. Sully gives Nate his wedding ring and Nate asks him how long he'd had it. Please help the Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He often speaks of prior conquests, to humorous effect throughout the games, leading Nate to call him "a dirty old man". Whatever the case, we should know whoever Sony and Columbia decide on soon, as the production is poised to begin filming in July.Beyond Sully, the other two big castings remaining are Drake's love interest Elena Fisher and his other, less serious love interest, Chloe Frazer. Sully then starts asking Nate if the whole hunt for treasure is worth all the trouble they've been through, saying that it's just Drake's pride they're doing this for, but they both agree to continue. As soon as they are about to shoot Nate and Sully, the room starts to crumble and the floor collapses. Sully is often seen as both the best friend and father figure of While at first regarding her as little more than one of Drake's flings, calling her "the girl", Sully does flirt with Though they are not seen on screen together, there is a photo of Sully holding a baby Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.An image on this page has quality issues that need to be rectified. Dishonorably discharged from the Navy for running scams, Sullivan found his true calling as a smuggler and purveyor of stolen goods. When they are all armed, they detonate the explosives, resulting in Lazarević leaving the camp to find out what happened. To fulfill this role, the casting director has shortlisted Holland's co-star Chris Hemsworth, Matthew McConaughey, Chris Prine, and Woody Harrelson. He later diverted the mercenaries away from the vault and met Drake there, only to be separated again shortly after by a booby trap. Nate starts to fall as well, but catches a ledge as well as the gun. They conclude that Talbot and Marlowe want the water of the city to control their enemies with fear. They make it to Syria only to find Talbot's men already there.

Nate, made extremely distrustful from his life on the streets, refused to give Sullivan his name, not certain of what Sullivan wanted from him. After Nate says that he has to have faith he says, "That and a quarter will get you twenty-five cents." In Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Drake, Fisher and Sullivan journey to the lost city of Ubar in order to stop the leader of the old Hermetic Order and her associates from obtaining a psychological weapon from its waters. Sully is left on the platform fighting Talbot.

Sully has a fun banter with Nate, and though at moments he feels like a father figure to him, in truth he is self-interested above all else. Like with Sully, we should find out more about each casting soon.Have you subscribed to ComicBook Nation, the official Podcast of ComicBook.com yet?

Talbot is left furious and chases down Nate and Sully. Sully's most prominent character trait is his womanizing habits. He instead fell and injured his leg, resulting in Nate continuing on his own to Quivira while Sully stayed behind to hijack one of Dante's helicopters as an escape vehicle. The two discuss Sir Francis Drake and his astrolabe. For the most part, Sully is a kind man who cares deeply for Nate, the man he raised as his own son. Nate steals his wallet, presuming he's gotten away clean, but Sullivan quickly catches up to him and demands it back.

In Borneo, Drake and Sullivan arm explosive charges around Lazarević's camp. Nate also informs Sully at one point that he makes everything sound "dirty" to which Sully seems to be completely oblivious.