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In such instances, I simply took note: e.g. An example might be where you read the same ‘key’ words or phrases in unconnected articles or where the same number or name pops up again and again. And there it is, you see the magic unfold, you notice the moments of coincidence that have occurred.

Sometimes I just needed to notice it without doing anything (the connection would become clear later), but sometimes it motivated me to take an inspired action. I mean I couldn't do a thing about a volcano! I knew it was a sign for me to pay attention, but I had no idea why. These messages come in the form of omens and signs. A coincidence or two may have already occurred to lead you to this point right now.Why Reincarnation Is a Better Incentive Than ReligionThe Devil Is Always Talking To You About Quitting And Giving Up ( Don't Do It )!How to Overcome Difficult Emotions With Self-CompassionGoing to the Church of God With This COVID-19 Virus Then a friend bought herself a copy...Co-incidentally (or not) I had the most amazing week of coincidences from the moment I picked it up again. I turned the lights on and jotted down some notes, including the title of the new article I wrote later that day: "Destiny, the Law of Attraction and Michael Phelps. It gives us the guide or steps on how to manifestation anything like magic. And there it is, you see the magic unfold, you notice the moments of coincidence that have occurred. Then I stopped by Trader Joe's for some groceries, a cup of coffee, and to chat with the woman who sampled Trader Joe's products. The following day I happened to catch a peek of the Olympic games while doing chores and heard that exact same comment again. (Some call this "the void," "All That Is," or "Source." While I remembered the most salient points I felt strongly it was time to re-visit it. When something unusual happened twice or three times in a row within a 24-hour period, I learned that that was a sign from the universe and I needed to pay attention.

Experiencing multiple coincidences in your path may seem like you are getting strong signs from the universe; like it’s definitely trying to get you to pay attention to something. "Here is another example. I scanned the radio stations, searching for a song I liked when a news announcer reported that earlier that day, a volcano had erupted on a small island in the Pacific.Of course I wasn't supposed to do anything about the volcano, but the idea that whenever something unusual happened twice or three times in a row, the universe just might be trying to get your attention was validated.To argue over whether it was a coincidence or a sign is dumb, but who knows, maybe one day you'll get a sign from the universe and you'll know exactly what to do.I feel there's an order to the universe and if you pay attention, you'll find there may be something for you to do, or something for you to learn. This was a status I posted on my social media less than a week after deciding to re-read The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield.I first read this book way back in 1996. Dec 1, 2019 - Have you ever noticed something and wondered whether they were signs from the universe or just a coincidence? This article helps you recognize whether something is a coincidence or a sign from the universe. Every day I reflect on what happens, and look back in love and gratitude for the events and people in my daily life. But believe it or not, not Get your free Why Reincarnation Is a Better Incentive Than ReligionThe Devil Is Always Talking To You About Quitting And Giving Up ( Don't Do It )!How to Overcome Difficult Emotions With Self-CompassionGoing to the Church of God With This COVID-19 Virus "something about a volcano," and went about my day.Two days later I was driving to the Post Office. Other times the answer would come through other people, on the radio, or by, say, "randomly" picking up a book at a library. It's Volcano coffee."
I look for the love, the kindness, a meaningful coincidence, a fated meeting, even a chance occurrence. Then two nights later I awakened during the night thinking about that sportscaster's comment. It includes two real-life examples where I noticed signs from the universe that helped me move forward.

By using my intuition (the voice of my higher self) and developing trust in it, I realized I was increasing my connection to interconnectedness. And if the magic is already working for you, this won't be the first time you've had this thought come to you. You begin to see the patterns in the everyday that help to confirm you're on the right path, and in flow with the universe.Be aware thought that this comes with practice and regard for yourself. Then the magic can flow through your life easily.I would highly recommend reading the Celestine Prophecy, or re-reading it if you have already. Sometimes when I had a specific question I wanted answered by a "higher power," I'd get it answered when I awakened at night, by just "knowing" the answer. Sometimes these signs are repetitive, and then we call them synchronicities. This post can hepl to clarify your thoughts. Here's what I've learned: The soulmate signs coincidences include finishing each other's sentences or saying the same This was when something "different" or unusual happened more than once in a short time period. It only takes a few minutes at the end of each day to look back, acknowledge and be grateful in this way. You begin to see the

Here are 15 such ways that the universe might send you messages. As I was pouring my coffee she said, "That's our new coffee you're trying. Regarding the numbers (11:11).