The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is the voice of the global upstream oil and gas industry. The OGP-IPIECA good practice guidelines for the development of shale oil and gas provide global principles for operations under which more detailed standards and/or practices may be developed to meet regional and local circumstances. to receive newsletters from IPIECA: IOGP’s Standards Committee manages the Standards Solution as a stand-alone project with the assistance of a dedicated Standards Solution Manager and support and guidance from the Administration Task Force (ATF), populated largely by IOGP Standards Committee members. The ’s members are encouraged to use the OGP guidelines as a starting point for their operations or to supplement their … (IOGP 630) This report aims to help facilitate the understanding of differences in values of emission factors across countries.A look at regional supply of – and demand for – oil and gas the world over These guidelines provide stakeholders with an overview of how the oil and gas industry manages the risks associated with its operations. IOGP’s Information Standards subcommittee commissioned a survey of oil and gas industry professionals to identify opportunities for the creation of a generic, industry-level architecture for data standards requirements. Improve your personal performance with access to more than 300 reports and publications covering a range of oil and gas topics.
ISO Standards for use in the oil & gas industry Standards in purple issued in 2015 Standards in blue are a priority for 2016 issue These ISO standards, TR and TS (abbreviated titles) are only a core collection of several hundreds of standards available for the oil & gas industry from ABNT, ANSI, API, AS, BSI, CSA, NORSOK, NF, GOST, SAC etc. This information may also be used to structure discussions between stakeholders and operators at local level.In developing these good practices, OGP and IPIECA reviewed various national and regional standards and practices from operators and industry organisations including API, ASRPG, UKOOG, as well as existing OGP and IPIECA guidelines.Thank you for downloading the IPIECA resource(s). OGP supports worldwide application of these standards.International Association of Oil and Gas Producers Supports Use of ISO Standards ISO Standards for use in the oil & gas industry Standards in purple issued in 2016 Standards in blue are a priority for 2017 issue These ISO standards, TR and TS (abbreviated titles) are only a core collection of several hundreds of standards available for the oil & gas industry from ABNT, ANSI, API, AS, BSI, CSA, NORSOK, NF, GOST, SAC etc. The Interim Solution involved the development and publication of draft standards by IOGP.This solution was replaced by the Standards Solution, where we continue to offer a secured environment for developing draft standards.
The oil and gas industry is recognizing the need for standards to assure safety and the importance of a global consensus process in developing these standards. The London based International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) highlights that international standards reduce costs and delivery time and facilitate trade across national borders. Our work in promoting the development and use of international standards is crucial, not the least following recent well incidents. Following the IRF’s Summit Conference in Stavanger in 2011, members voted their support for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards system – and International and Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for electrical issues. Norsk Standard ; Norsk Spesifikasjon; Committees; Hvordan lages standarder? Together, we identify and share knowledge and good practices to improve the industry in areas such as health, safety, the environment and efficiency. Please contact your administrator.
The “IOGP supplementary procedure for development and maintenance of ISO standards has been revised in response to the letter of ISO/TMB TF “Challenges in the oil and gas sector”.For more information on the Standards Solution, please go to the In the Standards Solution, drafts for and other contributions to ISO deliverables developed under the IOGP umbrella will be made available to ISO/TC67 Secretariat for ISO ballot or other processing through a publicly accessible website: IOGP Standards Solution uses the password-secured ShareFile system allowing participants safe sharing and storing of relevant documents. Our Members operate around the globe, producing 40% of the world’s oil and gas. The oil and gas industry is recognizing the need for standards to assure safety and the importance of a global consensus process in developing these standards.