A massive investigation of economic history in the service of proposing a political order to overcome inequality. I expected this to be so much better than it was, and now I'm sitting here happy that I've finished it, so I can move the hell on!I want to watch The Aftermath the movie, so of course, I started by reading the book. A huge flash crash seems inevitable as the algos want to sell all at once. Once this feeling was lodged in my head I could never throw it off. He gets into the efficient market hypothesis and cognitive biases in investing, which is interesting for money nerds and professional investors. It’s like the old quote about war. This is something I’ve not said before.... but after seeing the movie trailer, I think this may make a better movie than book. Once this feeling was lodged in my head I could never throw it off. This unconventional arrangement forms the intriguing backdrop of the story.I must say that I never read a book about post war Germany, and from what I read in the Aftermath, which was inspired by real events and stories told by the author's grandfather and grand-oncle (requisitioning a German house)..the situation was extremely difficult..I must say that I never read a book about post war Germany, and from what I read in the Aftermath, which was inspired by real events and stories told by the author's grandfather and grand-oncle (requisitioning a German house)..the situation was extremely difficult..I have never found a book that I wasn’t able to put down before but this exciting and dramatic novel came pretty close to changing that. What does that mean for your savings? I think it’s wise to have some silver coins like the one-ounce coins sold by the US Mint. Colonel Lewis Morgan, stationed in Hamburg in 1946, has opted to share his requisitioned housing with the actual owners of the property rather than needlessly forcing the German family into a Displace Persons Camp. Of course, this is nonsense. The topic of this book just hit too close to home. More of a 3.5... a good read but didn’t wow me. People that trust each other and help each other will survive wrenching change.Now, let’s get to the recommended bar bell portfolio. It contains very sound advice. Physical means gold coins or bars or jewelry, preferably in your own possession. Mostly, I liked how the author easily conveyed the nuanced internal lives of the disparate but interconnected characters.I very rarely do this but i am less than half way though and the story for me is dragging and the characters are mediocre. Go with 10-year US Treasury bonds, utility stocks and technology companies that keep reducing their costs.I found this book very interesting and will be re-reading it. I expected this to be so much better than it was, and now I'm sitting here happy that I've finished it, so I can move the hell on!This book was a bitter disappointment.
It is not good when you start a book and don't believe in the feasibility of the characters' first actions. This book deals with those strAfter WW I the Allies punished the Germans and did not help them rebuild. World War II, which historian Max Hastings called "the greatest and most terrible event in human history," will never fail to be a subject that fascinates historians, novelists and readers.
The characters, their relationships and their actions were not credible. When/if banks and brokerage houses collapse or do something crazy, you don’t want to watch your 401(k)-stock portfolio burn up. What if inflation doesn’t happen and we have a zombie economy with stagnant or sinking prices and poor investment options? He thinks most preppers, whether the super-rich with alternate houses and private planes, or ordinary folks with guns, ammo and iron rations stashed away, are less prepared than they think. 0307361047 This book deals with an English Colonel and his family sent to Hamburg to assist in the reconstruction of a defeated Germany after WW II. The Colonel, Lewis Morgan, truly believes that it his duty to do the best he can in assisting the locals rebuild. Stock market crashes of 50% or more happen pretty frequently, but we like to forget about that.
Then he realized they were not a threat to him and enjoyed sharing the water in the moonlight with these big, odd-looking creatures. I have never found a book that I wasn’t able to put down before but this exciting and dramatic novel came pretty close to changing that. Later, he read about a great white shark sighting where he was. The Chinese communist party has a wolf by the ears.
They abandoned socialism which was their excuse for holding power. These actions didn't fit the characters' personalities. I was a little disappointed with the ending. Rickards has some thoughts on how life might go after the next financial crisis. There are applications in advertising and in political Next comes the “everything bubble”.